A Message from President Josephine Libassi
September is a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. Teaching is one of the few fields that allows us to reinvent ourselves every year, and that is truly a gift.
So, as we start the 2023-24 school year, I wish you all a smooth beginning to what will be your best year yet.
Welcome to our newest MITA Members, who are starting their very first year here at Longwood. Your MITA Building Representatives are there for you, in each building, to assist and support if you need us! If you have questions or concerns please call us at the MITA office, we exist to help you.
MITA Office: 631-698-9100
Let's start the year strong with our Wear RED for Public ED, and wear our red MITA shirts each Thursday! Please see your reps. if you need a shirt.