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As 2019 comes to an end, I just want to say THANK YOU to all of our dedicated and hard working MITA members who do the right thing for our students every day. Being an educator in 2019 is very challenging, as we know.  There are more and more demands placed on us, seemingly without regard for what we as teachers know are the true priorities where our time is most needed.  And often, our concerns fall on deaf ears, both in Albany, and closer to home.  

As someone who worked in big-retail management for years, I learned that the best gift you can give employees is actually FREE.  It is called APPRECIATION.  Sometimes there is a lack of that in our workplace. It is easy to feel that what we do goes unnoticed. So at the holidays and ALWAYS, I want to remind you all that you ARE appreciated, by your colleagues, the parents and kids we serve, our community, by many of our administrators as well, even if they don't communicate it consistently and certainly by your MITA officers who could not be more proud of our membership, all year round.

Enjoy your recess, and see you all in 2020!