Date Posted

Our calendar has been adjusted in order to end the year in advance of the planned ending date of June 26th.  Distance Learning will conclude on Monday June 15th, with Tues June 16th being reserved as a grading day for teachers and our last work day of the 2019-2020 school year.  Secondary students will be given a deadline of 12 Noon on Tues June 16th to email any last minute work. It is up to you to consider it as you feel appropriate into your final grades. My suggestion is that you establish an earlier date with your students so that these last minute submissions will be kept to a minimum.

By now you have probably heard from your principals about a schedule to come in to the building and pack up your classroom, bag up student belongings and inventory books, supplies and equipment.

If you cannot participate in this, the district will take care of it for you.  My suggestion is that if there are items that you want to safeguard from being moved, discarded or damaged, that you communicate with your Chairperson , AP or Principal if you will not be there to handle it so that they can assist.

I hope everybody enjoys a safe and happy Memorial Day Weekend.